sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Dear Campaigners,

As you may know, Zimbabwe held elections on Saturday 29 March. As of today, the official results have yet to be fully released and suspicions of fraud and mismanagement are rife. Robert Mugabe and his repressive regime, which has ruled Zimbabwe for more than 25 years, have been accused of tampering with election registers, altering official results from those posted outside polling stations and delaying the release of official numbers of votes without explanation.

Zimbabwe has suffered greatly under Mugabe’s government. It has the lowest life expectancy in the world – with women expected to live only 34 years. Inflation is currently at 150,000 per cent and only 8 per cent of the population is employed. For many Zimbabweans, this election represents a rare opportunity to voice their desire for change and it is imperative that we support their rights to choose a democratic leader in a free and fair election.

You can help the people of Zimbabwe by asking the government of South Africa (Zimbabwe’s neighbour) to ensure the independent election observers report the truth about what is happening in Zimbabwe and support the choices of the Zimbabwean people.

It is imperative that you act now in solidarity – the future of a country hangs in the balance.

Email the South African High Commissioner now expressing your concerns

You can also forward this email and this link to your friends and colleagues – together we can help the people of Zimbabwe fight for democracy.

Thank you for your support.

Brie O’Keefe

Campaigns Coordinator

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